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July 29, 2010

Parent Club Review: pediped® footwear & GIVEAWAY

THE WHAT: pediped® footwear. Parent Club had a chance to test drive the Pediped Caroline Choc Brown Mary Jane Shoe

THE WHO: pediped® footwear is sold in over 3000 stores in the United States and 40 countries worldwide with an offering of more than 120 designs for boys and girls between their three lines, Originals® (soft-soled shoes for newborns to age 2), Grip ‘n’ Go™ (thin rubber-soled shoes for children ages 9 months – 3 years) and Flex® (rubber-soled shoes for children 1-6 years).

THE NEWS: The Fall/Winter 2010 season marks the debut of pediped® Grip ‘n’ Go™, a shoe specially designed for the active toddler. (check out those boots!)

THE REVIEW: The "Caroline" shoe recieved for review (btw - LOVE the name) is pretty yet practical. Handcrafted with soft leather soles for comfort. Easy on/off velcro fastners. Great for use indoors and outdoors. Bonus: they are lightweight, flexible and made with non-toxic leathers.

pediped® footwear GIVEAWAY

pediped® footwear is offering one lucky Parent Club reader a pair of either Originals® or Flex® shoes (boys or girls).


Surf over to (or just click that) and have a look at their wide selection - then come back to Parent Club and in the comment section - share which pedipded product you like best and why. It's that easy!

THE RULES: (because life has rules)

- one entry per day
- open to Canadian and U.S. residents
- giveaway closes Aug. 6
- winner will be chosen by

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At July 29, 2010 at 10:53 a.m. , Blogger Unknown said...

I love all Pedipeds. When my DD recently grew out of the Originals, it was a sad day. The Flex is a great line for active kids. The Riley in Fuchsia (Flex) are very cute.

At July 29, 2010 at 5:12 p.m. , Blogger Twenty Something Mom said...

The Tara Flex in Black are great! Modern little shoes for a little fashionista!

At July 30, 2010 at 10:16 a.m. , Anonymous Library Lady said...

I like the navy Jake shoe in the Boys Flex category. I like the look of the laces for a preschool child but it has one velcro for attaching (I can't even get my kids to be bothered to undo their velcros, so the fewer the better). The shoe looks great and I agree that a flexible shoe with good cushioning is best for growing, active feet.

At August 1, 2010 at 7:13 p.m. , Blogger Unknown said...

I have never heard of these shoes but they look interesting and sound like a great shoe. Must be some stuck up New England thing.


At August 3, 2010 at 11:18 a.m. , Blogger Jonnie (JB) said...

I like the Maddox Black and Light Grey because they are velcro which allows my son some independance and the colors are nice.

At August 3, 2010 at 1:32 p.m. , Blogger Unknown said...

My second favorite is the Abigail (Flex) in Chocolate Brown & Pink. My daughter is a real girly-girl and loves pink!

At August 4, 2010 at 1:23 p.m. , Blogger Unknown said...

I love the Dryz technology! Washable shoes is such a great idea.

At August 5, 2010 at 11:35 a.m. , Blogger Unknown said...

I love the grip and go technology by my DD's feet are too big. I do love the Flex Alyssa in black. She'd call them her dancing shoes :)


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